Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gavin Tale Twister #40: That's For Bananas Mom!

Gavin (8) and I were sitting at the computer this morning entering data about Gavin so 10 years from now we can see how much he has grown. We got to the ENTER WEIGHT part and I asked Gavin if he remembered how much he weighed when he went to the doctor just a couple months ago. He said he couldn't remember! So I took a guess. "Maybe around 125 pounds Gavin?" Immediately Gavin's defenses went up. "MOM! I only weigh 90 or even maybe 70 pounds!" Does't that sound like an 8 year old's comment or what?
"Gavin! That is not true! Maybe it was like 105 or 108 something like that?"
"No way MOM!... Maybe it was 95!"
It was as if his weight was a negotiation. (So...Remember we had a fire 6 months ago and have no scale in the house so we can't just go into the bathroom and hop on the scale.)
"Alright Gavin maybe we need to go to the store and weigh ourselves on one of those scales so we can get an accurate number."
Gavin chuckles and walks away as he says "Ah Mom, your so silly! That's for bananas not people!"
He did not just say that!!!