Sunday, April 17, 2011

Get Organized: Clear The Clutter (Thin Out Your Closet-Here's How!)

Organize your closet in 2 sections. One for Fall Winter and one for Spring and Summer. Within each section clothing should be grouped by type. All pants together and all shirts together. Within each type of clothing, items should be grouped in Length Thickness then Color. All hangers should be placed backwards (hook towards you). When you use an item and put it back it, it should be placed in the correct direction (hook away from you). At the end of the season all items still in backwards should be pulled out and given to Good Will. These are items you didn't use all season but thought you couldn't live without. If you can't part with something, put it in a box in the corner of the closet with the date on it. If one more year passes and you have not gone into the box, get rid of it. It is taking up your valuable space.

Get all the same hangers. I like the clear plastic ones with the swivel hook for your tops because they accommodate every kind of top. This is very pleasing to the eye.

Clear the clutter and it will clear the mind!