Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gavin's Tail Twister #2: There is the H1N1 Virus and then there is Gavin's D4

This months current events included prevention of the spread of the H1N1 Virus better known as the Swine Flu. Cautious moms everywhere including myself are attaching clip-on Purell Hand Sanitizers onto back-packs so their children will be armed against school germs every second of the day. Discussion about germs, proper sneezing technique and complete hand washing in-services ensued. Upon Gavin's (6) first day of riding with our neighbor to the school for the very last camp of the summer, Gavin had a very interesting conversation with Mrs Ann, the carpool driver. Gavin talked to her about germs and informed her that he had "THE D4" recently. Naturally as any mom would be, Ann was curious about Gavin's bout of D4. Upon further investigative conversation with Gavin, it was finally revealed that THE D4 "is just diarrhea with green stuff in it."