Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gavin's Tail Twister #1: Gavin's Double Poo Day

Gavin (age 6) came home after being away for a week and settled right back in to his regular routine which included his regular 30minute evening constitution. After a complete evacuation and the usual ultra clean wipe with disposable wet wipes, he said to me "Mom do I need to shower tonight?". UM... (Not wanting to be the mom that was so rigid about the daily routine) I said "NO...You didn't go anywhere or sweat and you used wet wipes to clean your hiney". Gavin then said "Yea and I double Pooed last night". "You double pooed last night?" Uh-huh I think I even triple pooed. "GAVIN!!!!! need to shower then!!!!!" Mooum!  Double pooed means I put shamPOO in my hair 2 times so I don't need to tonight!"