Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gavin's Tail Twister #17: My What a Strong Grip You Have!

On this particular Saturday in October 2010, Sammy (10) had two baseball games. As soon as we got up that morning, Gavin (7) started yapping. All I could think was that I needed quiet and coffee! No time for that, we needed to be out the door in 45 minutes to be at the ball field by 9AM. Sam and his dad departed the house early and Gavin and I followed 30 min later. Gavin wanted to sell raffle ticket for the upcoming annual Jazz Festival in Macon so he got some tickets and flyers and proceeded to try to get me to be his first customer. I told him I would buy but just a little later like during the game. He yapped at me in the car for the entire drive there about how he would need my help selling. I told him he was on his own and that I was not feeling well. He continued to tell me over and over again until ultimately I started agreeing without even listening. Once I realized what had happened it was too late. Gavin was now giving me selling and marketing tips. I translated that into I would actually have to do most of the selling myself. We got to the ball field and Gavin sat down next to me and started in on how he needed money for the (in Gavin talk)"con-ssess-son" stand so I needed to get up off my chair and get to selling. That went on for 15 minutes, I bought $20 worth of raffle tickets to shut him up and then the begging started about how Gavin needed more sales. OMG! I couldn't take it. I asked nicely over and over again for Gavin to sit still and quietly so we could watch the game or he could go play with his little ball park friends. Hey he could even try to make some sales on his own. I warned him that he may get in trouble if he continued. HE CONTINUED of of course. When I could not take it for another second, I snatched him up and said "COME WITH ME!" Gavin was so shocked by the tone of my voice out in public...that he responded with absolutely nothing! He simply followed behind me like a Rag Doll stumbling as we went. I sensed he was a slight bit surprise by my behavior and even a bit embarrassed by it. He was quiet for the entire length of me yanking him behind me to the next baseball field. I could tell he was wide eyed and worried about what was to happen next. Knowing that he was in deep trouble and afraid that I was going to eat him like the Big Bad Wolf wanted to those little pigs in "The Three Little Pigs", Gavin did not want to upset me any more that I already was. Gavin's eyes shifted around to see who was close enough to hear as he said in his tiny scared voice "My...mommy, what a strong grip you have!" The mounting tension in my shoulders as well as in my vice-like grip immediately relaxed. I gave Gavin a stern talking right out in public. We walked back to our lounge chairs and I sat peacefully without even a single interruption for the remainder of the game, Wow...he can do it! That night as I wrote this story and reflected upon the day, I thought to myself how often does one get to truly appreciate the perspective of a 7 year old. As tight a grip as I had on him, he probably did think I was going to eat him. All I know is that God made coffee for a reason and I should definitely not be skipping that on Saturday mornings.