Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gavin Tail Twister #13 : changes Twas the night before school

Setting this up: Every night I lay on a tennis ball to work the knots out of my back. Every night Gavin asks "can I do that?" and Every night I eventually give him the ball.

Twas the night before the first day of school, when all through the house,
Everyone was still stirring, even the dog Maggie, no sign of any mouse.
The back pack were hung by the door in the mud room,
Mama was growing inpatient and about to lower the great big boom.

The children tip toed around or so they thought,
I heard every sound even the sound of that x-box we just bought.
The children should have been all snug in their beds,
They were up laughing and playing with Maggie instead.

Dad already showered and I on the net.
I could hear all the excitement over our pet.
I yelled up the stairs, "it's time to go to bed!"
"Are you listening, did you even hear what I just said?"

I finally went to see Gavin as he laid down to sleep.
I leaned over, kissed him and said " not a peep".
The start of a new school year, Gavin knew what he had to do.
As he looked up at me, I knew he still did not want to.

Longing for his mom to lay down and chat,
It was important to him that I do just that.
So, He reached behind his back to get a special present,
And asked with such sweetness, "mom don't you want to get in the tent?"

He scooted over and gave me most of the bed
Even offered to share his pillow with my head.
And "here you go mom, it's a ball for your back.
It will make you feel better now let's hit the sack."