Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gavin's Tale Twister #8: I Love You More!

This past weekend Sam (10) had a friend over and like all little brother do, Gavin(6) was wanting to play with the big boys. He pestered them and tried to get in the middle of everything Sam and his friend did. Pretty soon small wood ABC building blocks were flying and then the WWF wrestling match finally broke out. I broke it up and called each of my children individually to thier respective rooms for a talking to. Sam first then Gavin.
This is how Gavin's talking to went:
Bla Bla Bla (That is what he heard I'm sure) because I don't even remember what I said. "Those blocks are made of wood and could really have hurt your brother. Wouldn't you feel bad if something happened to your brother and you were the cause." His only response was " But I missed!" Since there was no remorse, I finished off with a stern "Keep your hands off MY SON in there, if you hurt MY SON I will be very angry with you." Gavin looked at me and said in a calm sweet voice " Mom, did you by any chance say the same thing to Sammy cause I know you don't love him more than me." Hmm... How did he know?