Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gavin Tail Twister #27: You Look Like You Lost Weight!

Last night I asked my kids to write a simple note to their uncle for giving them money for the good grades they made this year in school. Sammy (11) wrote a simple 2-liner. Short and to the point. Gavin sat down to write his 2-liner and got frustrated writing just the word "Dear". He immediately moaned "what do I write Mooaom...."?
I was busy and paid Gavin little attention responding "Just say 'Thanks Uncle Dave. Your the best Uncle I've ever had and most handsome too...' Something like that Gav. It is not that difficult." Gavin's head went down as to accomplish a written task and then off he ran.
Later as I was packing the card in the envelope, I decided to read what he wrote. It went something like this:
"Dear Dave,
Thanks for the money you gave me for my grades.
P.S. You look like you lost weight."

Ha! I guess he thinks that complement is the same as "your are most handsome too".