Wednesday, March 23, 2011

American Idol Pool: Tonight will be the Top 11 competition. 8/7c Fox

Pool members, we are one week away from the deadline to sign up for the American Idol Pool. Your friends are invited to play so forward them this info or the blog spot address . Remember the deadline is Wed. March 30 before the show starts to register to play. For full instructions see the American Idol Pool Template posted on March 21. Start your own pool!

Here is the short version of how it works:
Step 1. Put $5 and your pick (after tonight's show) of whom you think the next idol will be. Give your envelope to Melissa before Wed. March 30. This will not be revealed until after the final results show in about 10 weeks. If you guess correctly you will be rewarded 50 points. This is worth so much because you picked the winner out of 10. That means you can come from behind to win and take all the $$ on the very last day.
Make sure to include your name, email address, cell phone number and the alias you would like to use on the out side of the envelope. I will use your alias to post results right here.
Step 2. Wed March 30 Watch American Idol Top Ten show.
Step 3. Come here to vote on who you think should be voted off. Deadline to vote each week is the start of American Idol Results show which is aired on the following night after the competition. If your pick matches the person that is actually voted off by America, you will score points.
Step 4. For the remainder of the season you will watch American Idol each Wednesdays at 8/7c Fox and Vote here on each Thurs.
Step 5. Look for your results and point totals posted here after each results show and after the finale.

Tune in after Thursday's results show to see who the top ten finalists are.

Below are the Top 11 going into the competition tonight.

11 Contestants Left