Sunday, April 19, 2015

Gavin's Tale Twister #48: Stephen Hawkins is White!!!

The Setup:  Sam(15 and Asian), Gavin(11 and Asian) and a neighbor kid(11 and caucasian)  were eating hotdogs at the bar for dinner last night.  The conversation led into who was smarter in math.... Gavin or the neighbor kid. So brother Sammy suggested they do a math off to dicide.  Gavin did not want to participate, I am sure in anxiety that he may loose. Sammy of course was wanting Gavin to loose so he could bring out Gavin's lack of intelligence and then forever make fun of him.  This was Sam's big brother duty!

The conversation went something like this:
Sam: "Why don't you guys do a Math-Off!"
White Neighbor Kid: Enthusiastically "OK!"
Gavin: "I don't want to!"
Sam: "Come on!! You should want to will do well because you are Indian!!" Like saying this would convince Gavin to participate.
And it did!!!
Gavin: "Oh yeah! OK!
Caucasion Neighbor Kid: Immediately on the defense says "Hey!!!!!"
Gavin quickly pacifies his little buddy by interjecting..."No offense !!! You got Stephen Hawkin  and he is White!!!!"
The Neighbor Kid suddenly not offended anymore nodded in content and agreement!