Thursday, August 25, 2011

THE FIRE STORY: What are the odds?

Finally I am back online and I have my life some what back in order... at least enough to start typing again. For those of you who know me personally know about the loss of our home to fire started by a bolt of lightening. ask yourself does that ever happen?...What are the odds?

Well The National Lightening Safety Institute reports those odds to be 1 in 200 homes will be struck per year. The good news is that just because your house is struck by lightening does not mean it will catch fire and burn down.

I know you want to know what the odds are of a person being struck. It is 1 in 28,000.
My next blog entries will tell the whole story piece by piece. I will also tell you what you should know about your policy, what to do if something like this happens to you or someone you know, and how to safeguard and keep a log your belongings in the event of a fire.